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It's time to meet some new friends.

It's time to meet
some new friends.

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容器 2397@3x.png__PID:8e741920-c482-4ea2-9418-c99d3fc8705e
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K10+ Pro combo-0@3x (2).png__PID:85493989-9f9e-4947-9948-f7bd05637437

SwitchBot Robot Vacuum

K10+ Pro Combo

Advanced 3-in-1 home vacuuming.

$599.99 $799.99

Buy Now
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SwitchBot Air Purifier


Air Purifier

Specifically designed to
beat pet hair.

容器 2431@3x.png__PID:685f63f2-a261-4f9f-b98d-dd24f011f04d容器 867@2x.png__PID:1dcebc09-63ac-4037-890d-3bb92e5b7e32
容器 868@3x (1).png__PID:91a4f45f-1e92-4b98-aaea-5667f3dac6a5

SwitchBot Air Purifier Table


Air Purifier Table

A smart air purifier and table, all rolled into one.

A smart air purifier and table,
all rolled into one.

容器 2432@3x.png__PID:65685f63-f2a2-414f-9f79-8ddd24f011f0容器 853@2x (1).png__PID:881dcebc-0963-4c80-b709-0d3bb92e5b7e
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SwitchBot Roller Shade


Roller Shade

The world's first
adjustable smart roller shade.

The world's first
adjustable smart roller shade.

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Evaporative Humidifier (Auto-refill)


Evaporative Humidifier 

Refills water for you, 
so you don't have to.

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SwitchBot Meter Pro


Meter Pro

Smarter environment monitoring, now 5-in-1.

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SwitchBot Meter Pro  (CO2 Monitor)


Meter Pro  (CO2 Monitor)

Monitor air quality
in a smarter way.

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SwitchBot Wallet Finder Card


Wallet Finder Card

The only Find My device your wallet will ever need.

The only Find My device your
wallet will ever need.

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SwitchBot Relay Switch


Relay Switch

The world's first smart relay switch with
a built-in gateway and Matter support.

Hear it straight from our users.


Shane Whatley

162K subsrcibers

Watch to see how this tiny robot staged an impressive comeback by adding a powerful cordless vacuum and smart auto-empty system... all in one compact package!

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Stu’s Reviews

227K subsrcibers

This thing is an air purifier, bedside table, phone charger, night light and essential oil diffuser... all packed into one! Find out if this is purifying genius or pointless gimmick from SwitchBot.

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unnamed (2).jpg__PID:1b819602-fafd-4dfd-b015-fd8502208f08

Craig's Tech Talk

168K subsrcibers

The SwitchBot Air Purifier is perfect for pet owners, with powerful hair and odor removal features, and is integrated into SwitchBot's smart home ecosystem, providing convenient control and an efficient air purification experience.

maxresdefault (2).jpg__PID:3a7d1386-dcd7-451b-8196-02fafdadfd30

Shane Whatley

162K subsrcibers

The first smart shades that don't require perfect measurements. And they're actually affordable compared to others on the market!
